A trusted investment !
Still in India people don’t prefer to go for Insurance be it Life insurance or General insurance. But this one investment every person should have it, because life is unpredictable and if you have insurance you feel safe & even your close ones too. So don’t wait for any unforeseen event to happen go for insurance.
Life insurance
Insurance against risk of loss to ones life is covered under Life Insurance. Life insurance is also known as long term insurance or life assurance. It includes Whole Life Assurance, Endowment Assurance, Assurances for Children, Term Assurance, Money Back Policy etc.
Edwin capital help getting the best insurance policies as per the customer’s requirement.
Insurance plans are must for a secure future. Mishaps can happen anywhere and anytime during human lifetime. Insurance plans comes to help in such cases.
Insurance planning is an important aspect of life for every working individual or family. Taking an insurance policy is important not just as a safeguard against unprecedented calamities. It also ensures the future financial well being of ones dependents.
Its important to insure your life before getting into any unwanted circumstances. So what are you waiting for contact us info@edwincapital.in or call us at 9814042944.
General Insurance
Risk Exposure
Insurance is a tool to recover the financial loss sustained, caused by any occurrence. All occurrences & exposures cannot have insurance protection. The incidents / exposures which can be covered under insurance can be generally classified in to four areas. These four areas take care of Tangible Assets, Exposures to Balance Sheet (Financial), Welfare of Employees & Legal Exposures & Compliances.
Assets mainly comprise of Buildings, Plant & Machineries, Furniture and Fixtures, Raw material, Stock in process and finished goods besides moving assets.
Destruction of the same results into capital loss as well as business interruption. These risks can be covered under project policy, operational policies like fire , machinery breakdown marine policy and Vehicle.
Motor Insurance
In our country we have a special place for our vehicle(two wheeler/four wheeler), it’s not just a means of transportation in-fact beyond that. It creates value to our families & even we feel proud to have one.
Life is full of uncertainty, we never know while driving to work or may be to your work place or even a natural calamity can be encountered & that can cause lot of damage & financial loss to us.
So drive safe & get your vehicle(two wheeler/four wheeler) insured with the help of Edwin Capital. We are there to give you full assistance & the advantage with us we have got multiple options to choose with from various insurance companies.
So don’t wait to get into any unforeseen circumstances & get your vehicle insured. Contact us at info@edwincapital.in or call us at 9814042944.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is something not yet given the kind of importance it should have been in India. Edwin Capital takes the responsibility to assist the people get health insurance by explaining the importance. We never know when we can stumble upon to unwanted illness/accidents which can result costly hospitalization & dent savings.
Edwin Capital helps you to get protected by facilitating unique health insurance policies from multiple insurance companies. It can help our customers to stay protected & healthy adjacent to increasing medical cost. Customer can buy an individual as well as entire family insurance under one policy.
The medical/health insurance policy covers hospitalization expenses incurred by the insured person for treatment of illness or injury with many other benefits at competitive premium.
So don’t wait to get into any unforeseen circumstances & get yourself & family protected.
Contact us at info@edwincapital.in or call us at 9814042944.